You’ll learn more about Vupress notification of alleged copyright infringement procedure on this Page. And if you are intending to make any report, please ensure that any of the inforamtion you wanted to submit to us, must be suplied in English.
If you believe that any content uploaded on this site violates your copyrights and you are a copyright owner or the lawfully authorized representative of a copyright owner, you may notify us by filling out our form.
- If you are claiming the right as authorized representative of a copyright owner, your notification must be included detaily in the form as follow: Authoritative Proof to act that you have the privilege to speak for the person whose exclusive copyright is allegedly being violated.
- A specific identification of the allegedly illegal content and clear information needs to be provided in order to find the content in our site (for instance, a link, which is the direct URL of the reported content ).
- a specific identification of the allegedly infringed-upon work; Your contact information (including mobile phone number and email addresses), home address and any additional details that would allow us to reach you absolutely.
We respect other people’s intellectual property and are dedicated to resolving any disagreements amicably.